ML MS Itomoritaka is an excellent mother, SCD AA-5, and defect free. Her LMR sire combines the size, early growth and maternal qualities of his sire Itomoritaka, with a dam sired by Sanjirou, one of the top carcass sires in the breed, in turn out of World K’s Nakazakura, a rare female that had only 11 registered progeny. She is sired by Itomichi, who is in turn sired by Dai 7 Itozakura, and she is the sole exported progeny of the dam Nakagishi 5, who’s pedigree traces to both Dai 7 Itozakura as well as Harumi in both her sire’s and dam’s pedigree. The direct LMR dam of this female is sired by the calving ease, huge ribeye and excellent marbling sire, WK Shigeshigetani and paired with the marbling king, WK Sanjirou. The maternal side of this pedigree has tremendous marbling ability while the sire brings the growth genetics to make a very balanced individual.