Fullblood Black Wagyu
Born: 2017-09-17

Now registered in the USA, Trent Bridge N346 is a recessive free son of Sumo Cattle Co Michifuku F126. F126 is an incredible proven bull averaging an 8.3 Marble Score and 959.2 lbs Hot Carcass Weight on 55 carcasses in the Sumo Wagyu herd. N346 has high and balanced genomic EBVs to back up his elite sire stack of Sumo F126 x TF 148 x 003 x TF 151 x Michifuku x TF Kikuhana x TF Dai 2 Kinntou 3!! This is the maternal line of Mayura Itoshigenami JNR, TF Terutani 40/1, Sumo F126 and so many more great sires. Here is a chance to get into the cutting edge of elite Australian genetics with a double cross of the TF Dai 2 Kinntou 3 family! Breeder Charlie Perry’s comments on N346 “N346 is a thick, deep easy doing bull who has produced some magnificent young females. With his high milk EBV we are optimistic that he will produce some fantastic doing mothers. His growth traits are certainly expressing themselves, with all his progeny growing out well.” N346 is now entered in the Australian Wagyu Association’s Progeny Test Program.

American Registration: FB80222
Austrailian Registration: TBRFN346
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